Join us in celebrating our communities across the wall with this fantastic new art trail. Across the line of Hadrian's Wall the flock have been adopted but different organisation and community member for September. Head out and see how many you can find. We'll have two of the flock on our sites with Bunty returning to Roman Vindolanda and a new addition to our sites of Blackberry the Baa-rchaeologist helping on the Magna Excavations at the Roman Army Museum.

From Maryport to Arbeia, the flock will separate and will be looked after and customised by community champions, businesses and organisations. The 2024 Illuminated Sheep Art Trail will encourage locals and visitors to find their inner shepherd, exploring the Hadrian Wall Country’s rich landscape, heritage and culture to #FindTheFlock.

Click here to see locations for the 2024 Illuminated Sheep Art Trail and get ready to #FindTheFlock! 

Find out more about the Illuminated Sheep project on the Queen’s Hall Arts website

Follow Illuminated Sheep on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.