Join us and the Hadrian’s Wall Learning and Engagement Forum for a day of virtual activities themed around Hadrian’s Wall.  
Take part in live workshops and discover more about the various sites across the Wall.

The Vindolanda Trust will be taking part on Focus Day 2 - 28th November at 10.10 - 10.40am.

Sessions are designed for KS2 students in school, at home and other settings.  

You may choose to sign your group up for all sessions or a selection across both or either dates.  

Joining information and additional resources will be circulated closer to the date. 

Home learners and children not in a school setting are also welcome to take part. 

*Hadrian's Wall Learning and Engagement Forum are a group of museum and heritage education and outreach professionals based on the sites found across Hadrian's Wall.  

Sign up for more information and to register your interest.

Focus Day Programme:

Wednesday 27 November 2024

 9.30 - 10 Gods and Goddesses along the Wall with Steph Holton from the Open University

In this session we will meet some of the ancient gods and goddesses worshipped along Hadrian’s Wall. Using different types of evidence - including inscriptions, statues, and even coins – we will find out more about the gods brought to Britain by the Romans as well as the gods they found here, and learn how to identify them in the wild! 

10.10-10.40 - Caring for Hadrian’s Wall with Northumberland National Park 

The landscape of Northumberland around Hadrian's Wall, is one of the most visited places in the county, and is home to a diverse selection of wildlife. Find out how Northumberland National Park looks after the archaeology of Hadrian’s Wall, about the habitats of the area and the conservation work that we do, and about how we look after the many people who come every year to walk the Hadrian’s Wall National Trail.

10.50-11.20 - What was life like as a Roman in Britain? With English Heritage  

Looking at two different Roman sites, one in the north of England, along Hadrian’s Wall, and one further south, we will compare life on the frontier with that in a more ‘settled’ location using the evidence from the buildings and artefacts left behind.  

11.30-12 – TBC with Segedunum Roman Fort

Session Information to come... 

Thursday 28 November 2024

9.30 - 10 – Scientific Archaeologwith the Great North Museum: Hancock

Did you know that archaeologists use science skills as well as their history skills? Learn how scientific techniques can be used to learn about an object's history.

10.10-10.40 - Climate vs Archaeology: A Battle for the Past with the Vindolanda Trust

Extremes in weather, such as increasing temperatures and period of high levels of rain impacts the preservation of archaeology, from which we gain a rich knowledge about the ancient communities and societies who lived before us. In this session, we will be asking all participants to have an object in front of them. Activity & Diversity Officer, Sophie, will lead you through a series of questions to delve deeper into what we can learn from an object and explore what we might lose as a result of climate change. 

10.50-11.20 - Rollin’ with the Romans: Entertainment on The Wall. With Tullie

They liked to battle, bathe and build… but what did the Roman soldiers on the wall do for fun? Join Tullie (and a very jolly Roman Soldier) for an interactive session, using artefacts from our collections (and some silliness!) to learn about the different ways the Romans entertained themselves.

11.30-12 – Session TBC with Nick Henderson

Session Information to come...

Please note:

that for Safeguarding, adults not accompanying a participating child will not be permitted into any of these sessions. 

that this Virtual Hadrian’s Wall Day is open for multiple schools and/or home learners to book. We will instruct all participants to turn cameras and microphones off during the sessions.